I'm a Mormon.; I'm a Mormon.; I'm a Mormon. I'm a Mormon. I'm a Mormon. I'm a Mormon. I'm a Mormon. I'm a Mormon. I'm a Mormon.


EQ Shooting Range Activity

Are you talking to me?!  Are you talking to me?!
That'll teach ya to talk to me when I'm armed!
No Sireee, we weren't talkin' to ya.  Sooo, put down the gun.
Huh, I think you're shooting at my target.
No I'm not!!!
Then how come my target already has big holes in it?
These sunglasses look cool.
This is my better profile.
Lookin' waay tooo intense.
Shouldn't he close his left eye?
Another pair of cool sunglasses.
That was fun!
This is pretty easy, let's try the cannon!
Where do you guys get those cool sunglasses?
Hey, how did the target get behind me?
This cannon can hit targets in Patterson Park from here.
Gotta make sure the recoil don't take out a shoulder.
Ready for Sniper School.
Time me at field stripping this gun.
Hey, I can take this to work.
Are you sure Dirty Harry used this gun?
Hey didn't Clint Eastwood shoot using only one hand?
Side by side shooters against charging targets.
Let's make sure we leave with the same headcount we came with!

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